2 Corinthians 7:11-16
2 Cor 7:11 (KJB)
For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.
Carefulness - Haste, speed, or earnestness
Clearing - Defense
Indignation - Anger
Vehement desire - Longing
Zeal - Fervor or intensity
Revenge - Vengeance or vindication
Ye have approved - Demonstrated
Paul now commends the Corinthians for their positive responses to his letter. The man whom the Corinthians church had dealt with for his sexual sins had responded properly and in order. They had showed a quickness to bring this situation to a proper end, for the longer something lingers, the more detrimental it will become to both church and individual Christian. They had presented a true defense of their actions when they had attended to this problem by not going outside the bounds of Scripture, which would have been Paul’s letter. There was also a godly anger which was raised over this situation to the point that they wanted it resolved so anger would not become hatred on anyone’s part. They also showed a longing to be done with this situation because long drawn out situations can bring spiritual fatigue and a sense of hopelessness. They also showed a vehement desire to be restored to full fellowship with the Lord and with the Apostle Paul, who was probably very happy that this situation has now come to an end. Their zeal was to deal with this situation and resolve it once and for all. The vengeance they took was not aimed at the person who sinned in a negative manner but their vengeance was on disobedience. Christians must always take vengeance on disobedience and bring it to an end as soon as possible, in other words, disobedience must be attacked and overcome with a severity of revenge. Paul then states that in all these things they have demonstrated that they have completely and totally repented of their original inaction concerning this situation but have now resolved it in a way that is bringing glory to God.
2 Cor 7:12 (KJB)
Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you.
Paul had come to a total appreciation in the way the Corinthians had handled the situation and he assured them that he wrote to them with no ill will. His concern was to bring the man to repentance so the sin would be expunged from the church. Whenever a church accepts sin and does not deal with it, they will find themselves in the same situation Israel found themselves in when Achan sinned by taking the spoils which God had forbidden. As a result when Israel attacked AI, they had lost 36 men and were sent running. (Joshua 7) This was because one man chose to sin. It is the same in the church, if a church does not deal with known sin in its midst, they will begin the downward slide into becoming a false church until the true Gospel is completely ousted from that church. This is what Paul was trying to prevent and that is why he was so happy when the Corinthians had finally dealt with the issue with much fervor. Paul’s care for this church was what compelled him to desire it be brought back into obedience.
2 Cor 7:13 (KJB)
Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: yea, and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all.
Paul now returns to the report Titus gave him. Paul’s comfort was based in the comfort the Corinthians had experienced. Whenever obedience reigns, it brings great encouragement to others. Titus had been refreshed in his spirit because of all the positive things which had transpired in the Corinthian church. This refreshing, was transferred to Paul who became very joyous at the arrival of Titus with the great news of the Corinthian obedience who treated Titus with the utmost Christian hospitality. There was great reason to rejoice because Titus had been with Paul for a long time and was no stranger to conflict, so when peace came to a church it was a cause for rejoicing in both of them.
2 Cor 7:14 (KJB)
For if I have boasted any thing to him of you, I am not ashamed; but as we spake all things to you in truth, even so our boasting, which I made before Titus, is found a truth.
Paul had boasted about the Corinthian Christians to Titus and even though there were some in the church who opposed him, he still boasted of their solid Christian testimony. When Titus finally got to Corinth and spent some time there, he was able to experience, in person, what Paul had been saying about them all along. Titus must have really given a great report to Paul concerning them since it caused Paul to rejoice in the fact that Titus had now experienced their Christian hospitality and love.
2 Cor 7:15 (KJB)
And his inward affection is more abundant toward you, whilst he remembereth the obedience of you all, how with fear and trembling ye received him.
Inward affection - Inward parts or heart (speaking of his affections)
Trembling - Quaking or quivering
When Titus had returned to Paul, he told him that he now had a deep love for them since before his trip, all he heard was only second hand but now he experienced their Christian testimony first hand. He now knew fully that Paul was not exaggerating when he boasted of these Christians in Corinth. They had received him with much respect, initially, maybe they did not know what to expect from Titus, but as he stayed their longer, there grew a mutual love for each other, so the fear and trembling turned into love and deep affection.
2 Cor 7:16 (KJB)
I rejoice therefore that I have confidence in you in all things.
Confidence - To be bold or of good courage
Paul concludes this discussion reiterating his joyful mood and that fact that since the Corinthians have shown their ability to obey according to the Gospel, then Paul had complete confidence in them. In fact, he proclaims his confidence of them is in all things. When someone begins to show promise in some areas, you can begin to transfer a little more of your trust to them unless they show you otherwise. This was the situation in the Corinthian church. Their ability to confront the sin and employ discipline showed that they had come to understand the heinous nature of sin and what it can do to an assembly.
