- 1 Timothy 6:11-15
- 1 Tim 6:11 (KJB)
- But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow
after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
- Flee - Shun or escape
- Follow - Pursue
- Paul is commanding Timothy to flee from any ideas of covetousness of the
worlds goods. The words “flee” and “follow” are in the Imperative mood,
making them commands plus they are in the present tense which means that
this fleeing must be a constant part of the Christian’s life. It is
imperative that Christians do not become diverted by pursuing the wealth of
the world which is fleeting and temporary. Paul is commanding Timothy to
seek the fruits of the Christian walk. This is not to say that we do not
work for a living and make money because we have to live, support missions,
help others, support our local church if it has not gone apostate, etc. So
Paul does not mean making a living is wrong, what is wrong is the obsession
with making money that causes us to neglect the mission we are given from
the Lord to send forth the Gospel.
16:15 KJV) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the
gospel to every creature. We cannot serve two
masters, either we are dedicated to the Lord’s work or Satan’s work.
- Righteousness
- Doing what is right in the confines of true
- Godliness
- Christian attitude and conduct, piety
- Faith
- To live our lives in faith which is believing God for
- Love
- A high and holy love which seeks the best for others.
- Patience
- Perseverance in the face of adverse circumstances and in
teaching the Gospel to others and helping them understand.
- Meekness
- A gentle spirit which is in opposition to being divisive
or argumentative.
- 1 Tim 6:12 (KJB)
- Fight (1)
the good fight (2) of faith, lay hold on
eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good
profession before many witnesses.
- Fight (1) - Strive or agonize
- Fight (2) - Contest or conflict
- Lay Hold - Grasp, take hold of, or catch
- One thing that Christians must always be cognizant of is that they will
always be in a situation of striving for the Gospel. That does not mean
striving to become saved but after one is saved, then the conflicts begin.
When we were in the world and a member of Satan’s kingdom, we went with the
flow but now being in God’s Kingdom in an evil world means we are going to
go from conflict to conflict. The first word for “fight” is where we get our
English word “agonize.” The word “fight” is in the Imperative Mood which
means a command. The Christian is not to acquiesce or surrender to the
forces of evil, which now come under the guise of ecumenism or
neo-evangelicalism. We are to fight and contend for the faith. We are at
(Jude 1:3 KJV) Beloved, when I gave
all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for
me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend
for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
- Then Paul states that Timothy is to grasp or lay hold on eternal life.
Timothy was already saved so what Paul wanted him to do was to realize that
the war he was having against the kingdom of Satan would be fought with the
spiritual tools found in every believer given by the Holy Spirit upon
(2 Cor 10:4 KJV) (For the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds;) Since our weapons
are mighty through God, it is to Him that we look in all circumstances.
Timothy was also to lead people to Christ as his primary ministry was to
exalt Christ. He was to let them know that even though Christians suffer at
the hands of the evil, it is the reality of eternal life in our lives that
sustain us and give us the victories. Apparently, Timothy had understood
that principle because he had a good testimony before many witnesses. His
faith in Christ would have manifested itself in all situations thus creating
the biblical testimony.
- 1 Tim 6:13 (KJB)
- I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all
things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed
a good confession;
- Quickeneth - Makes alive
- Paul makes an authoritative charge to Timothy because the Gospel is
dealing with the eternal souls of people and must never be taken lightly. He
charges Timothy in the sight of God who is the one who makes all His
children alive from the spiritually dead and before the Lord Jesus Christ
who had kept and maintained a great testimony when He was in front of
Pilate. Jesus did not shrink back and His truth telling, helped Him become
crucified because the world cannot stand truth. It will also repel us when
we begin to speak the truth of the Gospel.
- 1 Tim 6:14 (KJB)
- That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until
the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
- Unrebukeable - Without reproach, without fault
- The commandment which is in view is probably what we read in verses
11-12, which were to flee the snares of the world and to take up the battle
for the Gospel. This commandment is to obeyed by every Christian until the
Lord returns on the last day. If Christianity is to become strong again,
Christians must flee the temptations of the world and that includes
ecumenical thinking, and we are to lay hold on the pure truths of eternal
life, AKA salvation in Christ. We are not to war for the Gospel in the ways
of the world. The Crusades which were done by the Roman Catholic Church have
unfortunately been attached to Christianity which is a fallacy. I just want
to use this as an example. We never use worldly methods to get out the true
Gospel but we rely totally on the Holy Spirit who opens the spiritual
understanding of those He chooses. If we evangelize the world the Lord’s
way, we will remain unrebukeable.
- 1 Tim 6:15 (KJB)
- Which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only
Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
- This verse is a continuation of verse 14 which is speaking of the Lord
Jesus Christ. On the day appointed by God for the Lord Jesus Christ to
return, then all the graves will be open and all the unbelievers will be
raised for judgment. At that time they are going to see the Lord Jesus
Christ in all His glory and He will then be manifest as the true source of
all power and the kings and the rich and powerful men of the earth will bow
before Him.
(Rev 19:16 KJV) And he hath
on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND
LORD OF LORDS. They will then know that Christ,
the one whom they had rejected, was the true power in this world and
Christians were His real chosen people.