- 1 Timothy 6:1-5
- 1 Tim 6:1 (KJB)
- Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters
worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not
- Paul now turns to the subject of slaves and masters. Those slaves who
have become saved but work for masters who are not saved, may tend to adopt
an attitude of superiority. Slaves in many parts of the ancient world were
regarded as nothing more than cattle and chattel. Many cruel slave owners
would have them tortured for entertainment but many also knew the value of
their slaves who were educated and raised their children and tutored them.
Paul is stating that if any slave become saved, they must never bask in the
evil satisfaction that if the slave owner does not become saved, they will
burn in hell for eternity
(Ezek 33:11
KJV) Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure
in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live:
turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of
Israel? If God doesn’t have pleasure in the death
of the wicked, neither should we!
- They must continue to work for their masters, even
going the extra mile, because this way they will see that the Gospel of
salvation is real and that God is real. If the saved slaves do not treat
their masters properly and slack off, then people will blaspheme
Christianity by stating it is a cult of laziness and fraudulence.
Unfortunately, we see this same situation in the workplace with some
Christian employees who do less work than the unbelievers, and it should be
the other way around. If we are getting paid for doing a job and we slack
off, then we are stealing from that employer. Unfortunately over the years I
have heard testimonies of employers who would not hire a Christian because
they are lazy and a bad investment. That is a blasphemy of God and
Christianity, but it is also an assessment of the attitudes some unbelieving
employers have witnessed and unless they see otherwise, they will maintain
that mindset and make it bad for Christians who will do a better job.
- 1 Tim 6:2 (KJB)
- And they that have believing masters, let them not despise
them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service,
because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit.
These things teach and exhort.
- Despise - To think against or think down upon
- Partakers - Receive in return - implies enjoyment
- Benefit - Good deed or good service
- Now Paul speaks to those saved slaves who have saved masters. They are
not to think or look down upon them. An attitude may arise among them such
as “Well I am saved too, how come he has so much” and that wrong point of
view may cause the saved slave to do less or even attempt to do nothing.
Just because both are saved and they are brethren, is no reason to elicit an
evil mindset about their master. If they both belonged to the same church,
they are both equal in the sight of God as His children, but that does not
mean that there is no social order on this earth. There are always going to
be those who have, those who have some, and those how have not, but material
possessions is not the criteria for being an obedient Christian. It is
interesting that the church never took up the mantle against slavery, this
was because about half of the Roman Empire were slaves. The Gospel took a
slave and a wealthy person and made them equal for eternity. When it speaks
of “partakers of the benefit,” just as the slaves who were saved were
partakers of the benefit of salvation, likewise the masters also were
partakers of the benefit of salvation. Each were also partakers of the
benefits, the master from the conscientious work of the slave and the slave
in the benevolence of the master, knowing they are both brothers in the
Lord. Paul wanted Timothy to stress this teaching because a rift between
slaves and masters could rip the Christian community apart and destroy the
local church.
- 1 Tim 6:3 (KJB)
- If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to
wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to
the doctrine which is according to godliness;
- Teach otherwise - Teaching another doctrine (heresy)
- Consent - Agree with
- Wholesome - Be sound or correct
- Paul is now pointing to the fact that there are false teachers who will
not consent to wholesome words, even the words of the Lord Jesus Christ will
be anathema to them. They will disregard the true doctrines of Christ which
brings godliness into the life of a saved person. Wherever the true gospel
is taught, the false gospel will not be far behind to refute the truth and
cause confusion. Paul is warning Timothy to be on the guard for false
teachings which will invade the assembly he is pastor of.
- 1 Tim 6:4 (KJB)
- He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and
strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
- Doting - An unhealthy desire or craving for something, a morbid interest
- Surmisings - Opinion based on scant evidence
- In verses four and five, Paul gives the characteristics of false
- Proud
- Pride is the one thing which cuts off the Holy Spirit from
doing any teaching to the believer. (Mat 11:25 KJV) At that time
Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast
revealed them unto babes. Pride in an unbeliever will be
his driving force just as the pride of Satan is his driving force.
- Knowing nothing
- The false teachers will create their own
theological systems and the result of them is that they will destroy a
person’s soul because their teachings are void of the truth.
- Their pride and their lack of true biblical knowledge only lead to an
unhealthy desire to create more questions as in philosophy. Paul ran into
this same situation on Mars Hill.
17:21 KJV) (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their
time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)
- False teachers never get tired of creating questions and making simple
things complex, this way, they are the only ones who can unravel their
system. When this happens, it leads to four other evil characteristics:
- Envy
- A jealous attitude is created. This is on the part of the
false teacher who may be envious of the true teacher and has a following.
False teachers always crave followings and will stop at nothing until they
achieve that.
- Strife
- False teachers always sow discord and strife among the
people wherever they go. When they manage to gather to themselves followers,
those followers will attempt to bring the false teachings to others and this
will cause strife.
- Railings
- This word can also be understood as blasphemies. Wherever
false teachings occur, there will always be some type of blasphemy against
God because false teachings are all satanic and an enemy of God.
- Evil Surmisings
- May also be understood as evil suspicions and
those suspicions will be aimed at the true Gospel and those who bring it.
Suspicions always lead to false accusations and this Paul was very familiar
- 1 Tim 6:5 (KJB)
- Perverse disputings
of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of
the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
- Perverse disputings - Constant friction, useless wrangling, obstinate
- Destitute - Deprived or defrauded
- Paul states that there is no peace within these people and wherever they
show up and start preaching, they exude a consistent friction among the
people because false gospels cannot be tolerated by those who are of the
truth. Their minds have been corrupted by Satan and false teaching, so they
attempt to disseminate those teachings which result in friction. They do not
possess the mind of Christ. Since they are not saved, they have been
deprived of the truth, so they amalgamate false teachings and try to make
them palatable, yet they are false teachings. One of the false teachings
which has never gone away is the belief that wealth is godliness or it means
you have the favor of God. We have this idea today in the charismatic
movement that wealth is an inherited right in our salvation. If that is the
case, how come we all don’t live in 40 room mansions? Paul then commands,
not suggests, that when these people show up, true Christians are to
withdraw or depart from these people. Since they have not the truth, there
is no benefit for the true believer to even give them a hearing. For
example, a Jehovah’s Witness starts teaching in a public place, what benefit
does a believer gain from the teaching of a man who denies the very person
by whom they are saved? None whatsoever, and that not only goes for cults,
but even false teachers within Christianity must also be avoided.