- 2 Timothy 3:13-17
- 2 Tim 3:13 (KJB)
- But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and
worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
- Evil - Wicked
- Seducers - Imposters, wizards, or enchanters
- Worse - More severe or a worse evil
- This verse is not necessarily speaking of a certain time in history but
is giving the ongoing plight of the unsaved person who is steeped in false
teachings. If they do not become saved, they will descend further into the
black pit of false teachings. They will not only deceive others with their
false teachings, but they themselves will become deceived as they continue
to build on their false teachings. In the church today, there are many
unbelievers who portray themselves to be saved and are bringing in damnable
heresies into the churches. One is the Emerging Church Movement which
combines esoteric teachings of mystics with the true Gospel. In essence,
they are trying to combine the pure teachings of the Bible and the teachings
of Satanism in a mystical form and many are buying into it. If the false
teachers would be rebuked rather than being given a forum to spew their evil
works, they would disappear and would not be a threat to the community of
believers but the problem is that many pastors allow these frauds the
opportunity to speak. The other side of the coin is that Christians
themselves will entertain these frauds on TV and allow them to come into the
home. It is interesting that God uses a word which can be understood as
wizards or enchanters when describing the false teachers as seducers.
Wizards and enchanters both have to do with the kingdom of Satan plus we see
them on TV and in many books such as Harry Potter. Many Christians have
purchased Harry Potter Books and see nothing wrong with them. Their eyes
have been blinded to truth.
- 2 Tim 3:14 (KJB)
- But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and
hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
- Continue - Abide
- Hast been assured of - Make faithful or feel confidence
- Paul starts out this sentence with a conjunction contrasting the false
teachers and their evil. Paul commands Timothy to continue or abide in the
truths of the teachings which he has learned which are the pure teachings of
the Scriptures. The false teachers and their false teachings must never be
entertained in any way by true Christians. Not only do the true teachings
give the true believers confidence that they are walking in the truth, it
manifests itself into faithful works and faithful teachings. True salvation
coupled with true teachings gives the believer the assurance of salvation.
Paul then reminds Timothy that in his upbringing, he had a godly mother and
godly grandmother who set him right concerning the Scriptures. Then Paul was
also instrumental in Timothy’s learning as he was able to see Paul in his
ministry and was able to learn from him. Then, of course, every true
believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling them and He guides us into all truth
and we are then able to discern between the false and the true teachings.
This is why it is so important for us to maintain a good testimony to
younger Christians so they will have a role model and would want to imitate
the true Christian lifestyle.
(1 Cor
11:1 KJV) Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
Paul had instructed the Corinthians to follow him as he followed Christ.
Paul was a portal testimony in that those who followed him were also
following Christ. Paul did not lead a soft Christian life like many in the
media ministry do today.
- 2 Tim 3:15 (KJB)
- And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are
able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ
- Paul reminds Timothy that he has known the Scriptures from a child which
means Timothy had a good grounding in the Scriptures for many years. So it
should have been very hard to divert or derail Timothy from the truth. Yet,
it does not matter to a false teacher how long one has been saved because
they will do what they can to derail any Christian. The word child in the
Greek can also mean “unborn child or infant.” This means that Timothy was
raised from a very early age in the Scriptures. He then goes on to state
that the Scriptures are able to make one wise unto salvation. The word
“able” carries with it the idea of a permanent, enduring quality. The
Scriptures Timothy would have had access to as a young believer would have
been the Hebrew Scriptures where the teachings of the Messiah were
prevalent. They would then look at the life of Jesus and compare it to what
was written in the Hebrew Scriptures and that would be enough at that time
to reveal Christ as the Messiah and Savior. Adding to this, there would have
been much teaching concerning grace which brings salvation in Christ.
Timothy would probably have been a young lad around the time of the first
Pentecost. With three thousand being saved that first day, someone no doubt
brought the Gospel to Timothy’s grandmother or mother and then the whole
family became saved.
- 2 Tim 3:16 (KJB)
- All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
- Inspiration of God
- The word is used only once in the New Testament. This means that the original manuscripts which
God gave, both in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Greek Scriptures were
inspired by God as the Holy Ghost gave the Scriptures to chosen vessels who
wrote them down. (2 Pet 1:21 KJV) For
the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
They not only spoke the word of God, it was written down by them or an
amanuensis. Once the original manuscripts were completed with the book of
Revelation, revelation had ended and now God would preserve the inspired word so
future generations would have access to the same words which were written by
the old prophets and apostles. Now for us to understand the Scriptures, God
illuminates them through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is
why we say "the inspired word of God" because they are living Scriptures,
even in the English of our King James Bible.
- Profitable for Doctrine
- Since the Scriptures came directly from God through the Holy Spirit, they are absolutely profitable or beneficial
for the establishing of true doctrine and the teaching of those doctrines.
Doctrines are simply teachings which emanate from a certain source and in
this case they come from the Bible. We have doctrines such as the doctrine
of God, Jesus Christ, last things, angels, etc. Every one of these
doctrines, and there are many more, are profitable for the Christian to
learn and to understand and then to teach to others. Unlike the works of man
which are highly subjective to the author, the Bible is totally objective in
its teachings and is not a respecter of persons. God has given us the total
picture of both the unsaved and the saved, and their final destinations.
Would a human author give us such details such as King David’s sin with
Bathsheba or name names such as Demas or Alexander the Coppersmith? I don’t
think so. We can be sure that when we learn bible doctrine, we are learning
from God Himself.
- For Reproof
- This word carries with it the meaning of conviction or
proof of that conviction. Whenever or wherever the word of God is preached,
it always works in the hearts of man convicting them of sin. Man’s works may
make us feel bad but the word of God actually convicts our hearts.
(2 Cor 7:10 KJV) For godly sorrow worketh
repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world
worketh death. This why the Bible is the only
material from which we need to preach from or write from because the words
of God, as preserved in our King James Bible, has the power to convict a
person of their sin and once conviction occurs, the next move on God’s part
is salvation. It is always God who works conviction in the heart of the
Elect. In the old days, when people heard a true preacher proclaim “Thus
Saith The Lord” they became frightened because there was conviction by the
word of God and fear of judgment had followed.
- For Correction
- The word “correction” in the Greek carries with it
the idea of “rectification or straightening up again.” Not only does the
word of God convict a sinner of sin, but it corrects the true believer so
they will have a better understanding of what is in view. The Scriptures
help fine tune our understanding of doctrines. If we hold an erroneous view
on something because we have taken the word or writing of an individual, the
Bible can help correct or straighten out our understanding. I remember as a
young Christian, I went to the Christian bookstore many times as I was
buying many books on pre-millennialism. A few years later, I saw the error
of pre-millennialism and had gotten rid of all those books. Once I rid
myself of that influence, the Holy Spirit began to start teaching me the
truth about eschatology. The straight scriptures corrected my understanding.
So the Bible not only convicts strongly but also offers gentle correction.
- Instruction in Righteousness
- The word “instruction” carries with
it the idea of “training or discipline.” The word of God gives the believer
their priorities in life and helps build disciplines in their life to
achieve the goals of those priorities. The number one priority for the
believer is to evangelize with the word of God. If we want to evangelize,
one of the disciplines we must build into our lives is the proper handling
of money. If we tend to squander what the Lord has given us, then we need to
study the Scriptures concerning the right way to handle money so we are able
to have money to buy tracts and Bibles to evangelize. If we tend to squander
time, then we need to study the Scriptures on how to have a wiser use of
time. When we read the lives of Paul and others, we see the unwavering
dedication to the Lord. Once thing the Bible helps us to do is to gradually
turn ourselves from the things of the world to the things of God. The Bible
also helps us to turn from the sinful things of the world such as drinking,
smoking or even lottery playing to see that these things do not fit into the
Christian testimony.
- 2 Tim 3:17 (KJB)
- That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works.
- Perfect - Complete or capable
- Throughly furnished - Fully equipped or completely furnished
- The five uses of the Scriptures which we just looked at in verse 16 will
make the man of God absolutely complete or capable to take on the ministry
of the word. The word of God fully or completely equips the believer for any
phase of ministry. Whenever the word of God is employed in a situation and
that situation turns around to the glory of God, it is considered a good
work. It is the Scriptures which completes a Christian for the task of
ministry and not the works of man or even a seminary degree.
(Eph 2:10 KJV) For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that
we should walk in them. The good works we do is
always associated with the works found in the word of God. When we preach
and a person is saved, it is a good work. When a Christian is corrected from
a false teaching, it is a good work. When a Christian learns disciplines, it
is a good work. The Bible throughly furnishes a person for ministry and also
for personal correction and understanding. The Bible is the only tool which
the believer needs for complete ministry. There is no area in ministry or
life in general that the Bible does not address.