- John 20:16-20
- John 20:16 (KJB)
- Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him,
Rabboni; which is to say, Master.
- As soon as Jesus said “Mary,” that was the voice she then understood and
she turned and called Him “Rabboni” which means “my Lord or my Master.” The
word “Rabboni” in the Greek is in the Vocative tense which means it is the
tense of direct address. Mary’s first words to Him was recognizing His deity
and that is why she called Him “my” Lord or Master. She also was stating
that she was still His follower and He was her Lord. The word “Master” may
also be translated as “Teacher.”
- John 20:17 (KJB)
- Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my
Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father,
and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
- Mary must have become very emotional at that point and was literally
clinging to Jesus. Then Jesus says to her, touch me not, that almost sounds
like Jesus is being mean to her as she was only showing affection toward
Him. Of course, that is not the case. Mary was clinging on to the physical
Jesus but now, since the resurrection, relationships are going to change. In
forty days Jesus is going to ascend to Heaven as He is stating in this verse
and no longer will He be in the flesh walking on the earth but He will now
take His seat at the right hand of God the Father. What Jesus is conveying
to her is that when He ascends, then He will be directing the affairs of the
church until the last day. The relationship will no longer be as two friends
walking down a dusty road but will be that of God and children of God. The
relationship will now be more intimate as the Holy Spirit will now indwell
every true believer.
- Previously Jesus had just taught His disciples but they could not
understand the spiritual aspects of it but now they will because they will
be indwelled with the third person of the Godhead. This is why Jesus did not
want Mary to cling to Him as a human but to cling to Him as God the Son.
Jesus then commands Mary to go the other disciples, whom He calls “brethren”
and tell them that His relationship with them shall also change. He will
ascend to His Father and He extends that to the disciples that God is their
Father also and that is why He calls them “brethren.” Then Jesus still
speaking in human terms, tells them that God is His God and then extends
that to the disciples that He is their God too. This in no way is stating
that Jesus is less than God because He is extending the Family of God and
includes Himself in that Family again going back to the word “brethren.”
- John 20:18 (KJB)
- Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord,
and that he had spoken these things unto her.
- Mary Magdalene had now returned to where the disciples were and I am
sure that she was beaming with joy because of the message that she brought
to them. She told them of the conversation that she had with Him. I am sure
that they had listened intently to what she had to say and probably there
might have been some skepticism among them to her claims. Since Peter and
John saw the empty tomb, they may have begun to put the pieces together.
- John 20:19 (KJB)
- Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week,
when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the
Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be
unto you.
- All the disciples were together that evening and because of all the
events which just took place, they were in fear probably thinking that the
Jews would be coming after them next. That is why they had all the doors
shut as they probably had planned what their next move was going to be.
Then, lo and behold, at the height of their fear, Jesus comes into their
midst, not hindered by a locked door because of His resurrection body,
stands in the midst of His disciples and says to them “peace be unto you.”
It is not sure where this gathering took place. It could have been the upper
room where they celebrated the Lord’s Supper two nights ago. Jesus knew
their fear and that is why He was bestowing His peace upon them.
(John 14:27 KJV) Peace I leave with you, my
peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not
your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
In the midst of all troubles that believers go through, Jesus gives us His
- John 20:20 (KJB)
- And when he had so said, he showed unto them his hands and his
side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
- Glad - Rejoicing
- After Jesus bid them peace, He then showed them His hands and His side
so they would know that He had indeed risen from the dead, just as He stated
many times and that death had no hold on Him. Then when they saw the marks,
they knew that it truly was the Lord and they were rejoicing, not just a
simple “being glad” but it was a time of rejoicing for them. What started
out in fear for the disciples had ended in rejoicing peace. Jesus had risen
bodily and He showed them the marks to prove it. His bodily resurrection
from the dead was a precursor to the resurrection on the last day of the
believers and unbelievers.