- Hebrews 6:16-20
- Heb 6:16 (KJB)
- For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is
to them an end of all strife.
- When people make an oath, they usually swear by the name of God who is
greater than they. They do this to assure the other person that they are
telling the truth or that there is no hidden agenda. The oath helps to
establish an agreement or it helps to end strife between two warring
factions. In a court of law, people place their hand on the Bible and swear
that they will tell the whole truth and will not perjure themselves. An oath
builds confidence in the one receiving it. This is why Abraham had so much
confidence in God because He swore by Himself and since there is none higher
than God, Abraham had confidence that what God promised would come to pass.
- Heb 6:17 (KJB)
- Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of
promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed
it by an oath:
- Willing - Desiring or inclined
- Immutability - Unchangeableness
- Counsel - Plan, purpose, or design
- Confirmed - Guarantee a pledge or act as a mediator
- The lesson here is that God, who is not like man, had confirmed His
promise to Abraham and all the descendants by an oath. He did not have to do
this because the word of God is always sure but He did this for Abraham’s
benefit and for that of the descendants to show the unchangeableness of the
counsel of God. In other words, if God says something is going to happen, it
will, but it will be in His timing and His method. Basically, the oath was
to give a guarantee to Abraham and his descendants. It must be noted that
this was a willing oath and not one that was involuntary. Man’s sinfulness
makes it necessary to force him to take an oath because without some kind of
binder, man could lie uncontrollably, but if he knows he is now invoking a
third party, namely God, he may not be so easily tempted to sin.
- Heb 6:18 (KJB)
- That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible
for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled
for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
- Immutable - Unchangeable
- Consolation - Encouragement
- Have fled for refuge - To flee unto for refuge or sanctuary
- (Num 23:19 KJV) God is not a man,
that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he
said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not
make it good? Numbers 23:19 sounds like it should
be plugged right into this chapter of Hebrews. One of the immutable things
is that God does not lie, simply because He is holy and cannot sin. So
whatever God says, it will come to pass in His timing. In Abraham’s case it
was 25 years later. The second immutable thing is found within the oath
itself. God has taken an additional step in interjecting an oath which was
based totally upon His unchanging character. God’s righteous and holy
character cannot change so therefore that oath was as good as if the promise
had already come to pass. Our strong encouragement is a result of God’s oath
because His unchanging nature is an assurance to the believer that all will
come to pass. Even if what God has promised has not yet come to pass, the
believer still seeks refuge in the hope which is the unchanging character of
God. That unchanging character of God is a refuge for the believer in an
ever changing world.
- Heb 6:19 (KJB)
- Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and
stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;
- Sure - Certain
- Stedfast - Firm
- This verse is a great comfort to all Christians in that it is speaking
of the Lord Jesus Christ into which every true believer is anchored. That
anchor of our soul is both sure and stedfast, as the verse speaks, it is
alluding to the High Priestly office of the Lord Jesus Christ as it mentions
“within the veil.” Only the High Priest was allowed to go into the Holy of
Holies behind the veil once a year. The Lord Jesus Christ is our eternal
High Priest and is also unchangeable and that great stability is a great
hope of the believer. The world and its sinful ways change daily but the
stability of the believer in Christ need never change every time the wind
blows from a different direction. Another great truth which is given in this
verse is that since our souls are anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can
never lose our salvation.
(John 6:39
KJV) And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he
hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the
last day.
- (1 Cor 3:11 KJV) For other foundation can
no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
- (Eph 2:19-20 KJV) Now therefore ye are no
more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of
the household of God; {20} And are built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner
- Heb 6:20 (KJB)
- Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made
an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
- Forerunner - One who comes to a place where others will follow
- The Lord Jesus Christ has entered into the holy of Holies in Heaven, as
our High Priest and Forerunner. The forerunner means that He has opened the
way and we are now to follow Him into Heaven. When a person becomes saved,
they are made clean by the blood of Christ and are readied for Heaven.
Christ also makes us Kings and Priests unto God.
(Rev 1:5-6 KJV) And from Jesus Christ, who
is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and
the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us
from our sins in his own blood, {6} And hath made us kings and
priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for
ever and ever. Amen. So Jesus is our High Priest
which was typified by Aaron, the true believers are Priests which was
typified by the Levitical priesthood.
- (Num 18:20-21 KJV) And the LORD spake unto
Aaron, Thou shalt have no inheritance in their land, neither shalt thou have
any part among them: I am thy part and thine inheritance among the
children of Israel. {21} And, behold, I have given the children of
Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which
they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation.
- Here is the true foreshadow of the believers as Priests. God had
ordained that the tribe of Levi would not have a land inheritance with the
other tribes. The true believers in Christ would also not have an
inheritance in this world because our inheritance is in Heaven.
(1 Pet 1:3-4 KJV) Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath
begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the dead, {4} To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled,
and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
While we still have to live and work in this world, our
primary reason of existence is not to build wealth and fortune but to be
engaged in the sending forth of the Gospel. Just as the responsibility of
the Levitical Priests was centered around the Tabernacle and Temple which
was spiritual service, the same is the responsibility of the true believer.
We do not focus on the Tabernacle or a physical Temple but we focus on the
responsibility of spiritual service unto the Lord. There is no such thing as
a Christian who is not in full time Christian service. As the Lord was after
the order of Melchisedec, which meant an eternal priesthood, so we too, as
Priests are also to view ourselves in the eternal milieu.