Judges 5:13-18
Judges 5:13
he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people: the
LORD made me have dominion over the mighty.
only did the Lord give Israel the ultimate victory over King Jabin, but it was
so thorough that the common people of Israel were once in captivity have now
become the rulers over those who were once the lords and rulers of Canaan.
Deborah sings praises that she has now become ruler over the once mighty
rulers because they are now the ones in subjection as their army has been
totally decimated.
Judges 5:14
of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among
thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that
handle the pen of the writer.
Deborah now extols the fact that it was the tribe of Ephraim who became the root
or the source of the campaign against Jabin.
This is also where Deborah had her ministry of being a prophetess and the
hearing of cases brought to her by the people.
They had gone against the Amalekites to prevent them from going into
league with Jabin. Ehud was of the
tribe of Benjamin who slew Eglon the king of the Moabites who would now be
unable to come to the aid of Jabin.
Machir was the tribe of Manasseh.
Joshua 13:31 (KJV)
And half Gilead, and Ashtaroth, and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in
Bashan, were pertaining unto the children of Machir the son of Manasseh, even to
the one half of the children of Machir by their families.
Out of Machir came the governors, princes, and other leaders in Israel.
Their posterity seems to have been blessed with leadership abilities in
many areas. Out of Zebulun came
those who were the scribes and those who were well-versed in the law who were
normally exempt from military service also came out to help in this campaign
against Jabin.
Judges 5:15
the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was
sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuben there were great
thoughts of heart.
who ruled in the tribe of Issachar were also allied with Deborah in this
campaign. When the princes had
shown themselves to be involved, the people of Issachar had followed their lead
and went with Deborah. Deborah
gives special note to Barak who went toward the enemy on foot knowing that he
was facing Jabin and the 900 chariots of iron.
It would be like in modern times, foot soldiers facing tanks in battle.
There was separation from the tribe of Reuben as they did not make any
effort to join in this battle.
However, they all agreed to stay home and tend their sheep.
Judges 5:16
abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the
divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart.
were sent to Reuben messengers concerning the upcoming campaign against Jabin
but when they received this request, they mused over it and decided that they
would not get involved but would rather stay with their sheep which must have
been plentiful.
Numbers 32:1 (KJV)
Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great
multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of Jazer, and the land of
Gilead, that, behold, the place was a place for cattle;
So instead of rising to the occasion as the other tribes did, they chose
to remain neutral and count their financial blessings instead.
Luke 14:17 (KJV)
And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden,
Come; for all things are now ready.
The Reubenites are just like those in the parable of the Great Supper
whereby the Lord sent out His people to call those who were bidden to the supper
but they all made excuses and would not come.
Reuben did the same thing, they would rather sit in neutrality and in
comfort in their possessions than join the battle for freedom.
Judges 5:17
Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on
the sea shore, and abode in his breaches.
Gilead was the tribe of Gad and other half tribe of Manasseh.
These also did not join in the fight to help their brethren.
Dan’s area was on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea decided not to get
involved with the land battle and Asher chose to stay on their breaches which
was a landing place or a mooring point for ships.
Judges 5:18
Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in
the high places of the field.