- Philippians 1:21-25
- Phil 1:21 (KJB)
- For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
- Gain - Profit or advantage
- Paul had a great philosophy of life and it can be summarized in this one
verse. If Paul was to continue living in the flesh, then His life was to be
totally dedicated to Christ. Notice he did not say that his life would
consist of or that Christ would be part of his life. His whole life was
total, unfettered dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ. If the Lord was to
take him to glory, then that would be total gain for him because he would be
in the presence of Christ forever more and would never more be subject to
pain and persecution.
- Phil 1:22 (KJB)
- But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet
what I shall choose I wot not.
- I wot not - I know not
- If Paul was to live on in the flesh this would mean he would have more
time to continue bringing the true Gospel. It would mean gain for those
people who heard the gospel and became saved plus it would be gain for those
who are already saved and would be matured by what the Apostle Paul was
preaching. Paul’s love for the Lord created his desire to be with the Lord
and he did not know what to choose if the choice as given to him. This
passage must never be looked at as if the Apostle Paul was contemplating
suicide to be with Christ. He was just saying if he was given the choice, he
would not know what to do. His desire was to be with the Lord yet his desire
was to be with the Christians on earth.
- Phil 1:23 (KJB)
- For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and
to be with Christ; which is far better:
- I am in a strait - Pressure, enclosed, or being caught
- Better - More advantageous
- Paul saw himself as torn between two destinations. His life was so sold
out to the Lord Jesus Christ that he looked forward to his home going which
would have been far more advantageous for him than remaining on earth, yet,
he knew that he was commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ for ministry and
knew that his role down on earth was very important, especially since he was
heavily involved with all the churches. Every true Christian should be in
this quandary, to look forward to their home going or to remain and be
involved in bringing the gospel.
- Phil 1:24 (KJB)
- Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful
for you.
- To abide - Remain or stay
- More needful - More necessary
- In this verse Paul is showing how unselfish he really is. To be home
with the Lord means all the suffering and pain is done forever and yet for
the sake of the Christians, Paul states that it is better or more necessary
for me to remain with you. Paul knew that the Lord had given him much
biblical knowledge and wisdom and for that to lay dormant in a grave would
not be the best scenario and it was not that Paul was fearful of death,
because remember, he went up to the third Heaven, so what he saw and
experienced, probably made him run to the chopping block with joy. His
desire was to see the Christians which he was associated with grow and
become prosperous in the faith so the gospel would continue to spread
throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.
- Phil 1:25 (KJB)
- And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and
continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;
- Abide - Stay
- Furtherance - Progress or advancement
- Paul was fully persuaded, and maybe by divine revelation, he was told
that his time for his home going was not yet, that he was going to be
staying with these Christians and continuing on with them. He knew that his
ministry was not yet completed and he knew that his abiding with them meant
that the Philippians would be helped by him to grow in the faith and with
that growth would come deep joy in the Christian walk. Paul always turned
everything over to the Lord and that included his present ministry in prison
which was bearing much fruit.