- Growing Your Church
- By Dr. Ken Matto
(1 Th 3:12 KJV) And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one
toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you:
There is another movement which is grasping thousands of churches by the
spiritual necks and strangling them with yet more false teachings. I am
speaking of the church growth movement, especially the Purpose Driven Life
curriculum by Rick Warren. The Purpose Driven Life curriculum is laden with
false teachings. He pulls material from Carl Jung who was a psychologist
that created personality testing via the occult art of divination. The “P”
in Warren’s SHAPE program is Jungian to the hilt. Christians are not to have
anything to do with divination. (Deu 18:10 KJV) There shall not be found
among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the
fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or
a witch,
The Meyer-Briggs Personality test is descended from Carl Jung and is
reworded in Warren’s material to attempt to mix Bible and occultism. The “P”
stands for Personality. Warren claims that your personality will determine
where God will use you. This is nowhere found in the Scriptures but is
purely a psychological tenet. Warren also believes in monastic type
meditation and uses examples from Roman Catholicism such as John of the
Cross or Thomas Merton. Occultism like these few examples which are used by
Rick Warren will never grow a church but will destroy it. Now I am not going
to do an exposé on the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, instead, I want
to highly suggest the following two books which you may purchase on line
(not from SOZ) which are very detailed in exposing the evil of the Purpose
Driven Life agenda. If your church has already fallen to this agenda or if
the leaders are considering it, then you need to purchase both books.
Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church? By James Sundquist.
Deceived on Purpose by Warren Smith
Deceived on Purpose
available from Amazon
The essence of this article is not to address the evils of the Purpose
Driven Life Agenda but to offer Biblical ways to grow your church. Now right
at the outset I want to state that these principles will help build your
church spiritually. God will determine how large your congregation is to be.
Remember when you were in school the ideal learning method was less students
per teacher. If a teacher has to watch 50 students, then their time for each
student is severely lessened. If the secular people realize this method is
valuable for learning, then why must pastors feel they must have large
numbers in their congregations to show success. By the way, who would you be
showing the success to? It would be just a matter of pride and God is not in
the business of building up the pride of anyone, saved or unsaved. If the
Lord keeps your church at 25, 50, or 100 members, then you minister to those
whom the Lord sends you, not who He doesn’t send you.
If you have children, do you concern yourself with raising your own children
or do you sit down and devise ways to raise all the children in the
neighborhood? You raise the children God gave you and you don’t raise
anybody else’s. This is the reality pastors must face. They need to minister
to those whom the Lord sends them. Filling their church with unbelievers for
the sake of numbers will be the death knell of any church. Can you find the
true Gospel at Willow Creek, Saddleback, or The Crystal Cathedral? These are
all false churches AKA white sepulchers, filled with dead men’s bones. (Mat
23:27 KJV) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like
unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are
within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Every True Church Has A Purpose
When the church gathers on Sunday, it is not just a random gathering. The
believers come together at least once a week to worship and sing praises to
God. The assembled church which is the assembly of true believers has the
responsibility of sending forth the gospel to the world. The assembled
church is also responsible for the spiritual growth of its people. New
believers are placed under the teaching of the mature believers who instruct
them in the Scriptures and the Christian life. The local church is also to
be a testimony to the surrounding area. They are to bloom where they are
planted. The local church is not to concern themselves with the amount of
people that attend. Once the church starts focusing on numbers, they are
making the same mistake that David did.
(1 Chr 21:1 KJV) And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to
number Israel. Satan is still standing up against
Israel except this time it is spiritual Israel and he is prodding the
pastors to be discontented with the number of people in their church. When
God sent Gideon against the Midianites, he started with 10,000 men and God
whittled it down to 300. Large numbers is not indicative of God’s blessing
on a church. If large numbers was a blessing indicator, then we would have
to say that God has blessed and continues to bless Hinduism, Islam, and
Roman Catholicism since each of these has at least one billion adherents.
Christianity has never been a majority so pumping unbelievers into the
churches does not increase the number of Christians, instead it increases
the number of polluted congregations.
Just in case you think I am being harsh when I speak of polluting the
congregations with unbelievers, see what God has to say about what happened
to Israel. (2 Chr 36:14 KJV) Moreover
all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after
all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD
which he had hallowed in Jerusalem. Here God is
speaking of the Chief priests who followed after all the abominations of the
surrounding heathen nations. God said their actions polluted the house of
the Lord. So is there a parallel in the church today? There sure is! What is
polluting the local church today? It is the replacing of God’s biblical
doctrines with the teaching of man’s doctrines such as psychology,
sociology, Roman Catholicism, mysticism, new age thinking, political
Zionism, movements such as the Purpose Driven Church and Life which is
deeply steeped in the new age and the occultism of Carl Jung, etc. When was
the last time you went into a church and heard a purely biblical sermon? It
is unfortunate that many Christians think that God is boring and they need
to supplement the teachings of Scripture with new movements and teachings
created by man. Harold Camping, the cult leader of Family Radio, once stated
that the gospel was “bland” and then went on to create his heretical “Church
is Dead” teaching. Any time we attempt to amalgamate the false teachings of
man with the true gospel, we are polluting the church and the believers in
that church. You cannot pollute the unbeliever because they are already
spiritually dead. They will not become any more dead if they drink of a
false gospel. You can only affect the living with poison.
One of the greatest mistakes many pastors are making in this church growth
movement debacle is they are loading up their churches with unbelievers just
to raise numbers. They are also dumbing down the message to please the
unbelievers instead of preaching the message of the cross to them. Those
churches in the church growth movement have become religious entertainment
centers so unbelievers will feel at home in them. The reality is that the
local church is not for unbelievers but for believers only. By bringing in
the world, the assembly of believers is being polluted. If an unbeliever
comes into the church on Sunday, they are not to be coddled but are to be
made aware that to join the church one must be saved. The local church is
not a religious social club where people join just to make connections. It
is to be the redeemed body of believers only. Why would unbelievers want to
sing praises to the one who is going to cast them into Hell?
(Mark 1:23-25 KJV) And there was in
their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, {24} Saying,
Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou
come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. {25} And
Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.
In these verses we are being taught that the demons of Hell knew who the
Lord Jesus was simply because they were up in Heaven with Him before they
sinned with Satan. The Lord Jesus would not accept any praise or testimony
about who He was from them. The same principle applies to the unbeliever.
The unbelievers are still in the Kingdom of Satan just as these demons were,
so He will not accept worship from unbelievers either. When there are
congregations who are made up of both saved and unsaved, you have a polluted
congregation because the saved are yoked together with the unbelievers.
(2 Cor 6:14 KJV) Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Once unbelievers are allowed to join a church, it will be only a matter of
time before they dominate it. Then the biblical purpose of the church will
be diverted from biblical mandates to worldly endeavors. This is happening
at an alarming rate today where biblical teachings are peripheral instead of
Every Christian Has A Purpose
Every redeemed child of God has a purpose from the time they become
saved. (Eph 2:10 KJV) For we are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before
ordained that we should walk in them. When God
saved us, He already had some type of good works planned for us. These good
works constitute the lifelong ministry He has empowered us to do. Every
Christian has been given a spiritual gift for the purpose of performing the
tasks which God has prepared for them. The primary purpose of every
Christian is to be a witness and to send forth the gospel. As we were
reached by someone, we are to reach others with the Gospel. Our primary
ministerial influence is to those around us, like friends, family,
co-workers and those we meet but do not have a relationship with such as
those who pump the gas or check us out at the supermarket. We can leave
tracts for them. We are never to neglect our personal ministries in lieu of
a worldwide ministry. In other words, you can be concerned for the spiritual
welfare of those in other countries and give to missions for those countries
but not to the neglect of those whom the Lord sends across your path.
I am a big believer in bumper stickers for cars and when you have good
biblical stickers on your car, you can reach thousands each year as you
drive. Stickers are also a great way to keep your driving habits in line.
You will be less apt to drive discourteously when the Lord’s name is on your
car. Some Christians do not want to put stickers on their car, I guess some
would rather give other drivers the finger than the gospel. If there are no
stickers, then there is no hint that you are a Christian but then there is
that great Day of Reckoning we read about in 1 Corinthians 3 when our works
will be made manifest. How many will you bring with you?
(Luke 16:9 KJV) And I say unto you, Make to
yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail,
they may receive you into everlasting habitations.
Have you made friends with the unrighteous mammon? In other words, did your
money go for the work in the Kingdom of God or did it stay in the First Bank
of Number One? You see when you give money to God’s work, it means you are
being friendly with it. When you spend money on the things of this world, it
becomes your enemy because excessive material things tend to snare people.
The second important purpose the believer has is to train the next
generation of believers. As our generation becomes older, we will eventually
be called home to be with the Lord and the next generation is to take over
the task of evangelism. As Paul discipled Timothy, the mature in the faith
are to disciple those who are new in the faith. We must never disciple other
Christians with man made ideas. We are to pass along the principles found in
Scripture and these will grow the Christian accordingly. Trying to gain
growth via man’s programs such as 12 step programs, movements, etc., is
keeping the new Christian in the world and of the world. The Bible teaches
us that we are in the world but not of the world, and that is the big
difference between a Scriptural Christian and a worldly Christian, which is
what Rick Warren says we are to be. (1
John 2:15 KJV) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
We have briefly seen that according to the Scriptures, both the local church
and the individual Christian has always had purpose. Does Rick Warren expect
us to believe that the church and Christian had no purpose for the last two
thousand years until his occultic, New Age, Jungian teachings came on the
scene? It is an absolute travesty that pastors refuse to do any research
before they allow something to come into the church. This is why pastors
should not rule the church because they are not qualified to do that. The
concept of a Pastor having absolute rule in a congregation is a Roman
Catholic practice and not a biblical one.
www.scionofzion.com/pastors_rule.htm At this point I want to offer
some individual biblical principles on how you can grow your church without
endangering the spiritual well-being of the congregation.
Truth Not Tolerance
Nowhere in the Bible do we ever read one single passage telling us that God
tolerates false religions. In fact, when we look at the Old Testament we
find that God had destroyed nations and their false gods. The ten plagues of
Egypt were such a judgment. Each of the ten plagues were leveled at one of
the Egyptian gods. Here is a list for your reference, all found in the book
of Exodus:
Plague 1 - 7:20 - Against Osiris - God of the Nile
Plague 2 - 8:6 - Against Hekt - Frog goddess
Plague 3 - 8:17 - Against Seb - Earth god
Plague 4 - 8:24 - Against Hatkok - Wife of Osiris
Plague 5 - 9:6 - Against Apis the sacred Bull god
Plague 6 - 9:10 - Against Typhon - The god of health
Plague 7 - 9:23 - Against Shu - God of the atmosphere
Plague 8 - 10:13 - Against Serapia - The god who protected Egypt from
Plague 9 - 10:22 - Against Ra - The sun god
Plague 10 - 12:29 - Against all gods including Pharaoh who was worshipped as
a god
The Bible teaches us that narrow is the way. Where did we ever get the idea
that it is proper for us to consider other ways to God or extra-biblical
systems such as the Purpose Driven Church travesty or Self-Esteem teaching?
(Mat 7:13-14 KJV) Enter ye in at the
strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: {14} Because strait is
the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be
that find it. These two verses plainly state that
the broad road leads to destruction and many churches and Christians are
accepting broad road theology by accepting things which are against
Scripture. The broad road is the road to hell and teachings from men like
Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, Ken Copeland and others
are broad road. One of the most unwise decisions that Christians make is to
believe that just because someone is on TV or on radio that they have some
type of closer relationship to God and their teachings are much more
important than others. God never commands His children to tolerate false
teachings, instead they are to be exposed and rebuked.
(Eph 5:11 KJV) And have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Another idea which has taken hold in Christian circles which needs to be
stopped is the idea that we should never name the names of those who
propagate false teachings. They must be made known so some people will cease
supporting them. If they don’t want their name associated with being a false
teacher, too bad, then they should start teaching truth. Unfortunately, when
someone is exposed as a phony, the majority of their supporters cannot wait
to continue sending them money. That is just sheer stupidity that someone
would continue to support a false teacher. An unbeliever would not know any
better but for a Christian to support false teachings is supporting the
programs of Satan to destroy Christianity. Whenever a false teaching is
propagated, someone will become snared in the teachings and woe unto any
child of God that helps fund this. God is not tolerant of false teachings
and neither should we.
One of the biggest mistakes that Christians make is the idea that we
are not to judge. We must judge every teaching that we hear to make sure it
is in line with the Scriptures. If what we hear is contrary to Scripture,
then it must be rejected and tossed out. If we refuse to judge what we hear,
then it is a guarantee that we will fall for false teachings. The false
teachers hate the idea of Christians who judge because that means they are
using the spiritual discernment which God gives us through the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit. (John 16:13 KJV)
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all
truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that
shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
This verse states that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.
However, He is not going to send us an E-mail stating whether a teaching is
true or not. We are to judge a teaching by comparing it with Scripture. This
does not mean we judge it by comparing it to what some person says it means.
That is a dangerous buffer and can derail us. We simply compare the teaching
to the Scripture. (John 7:24 KJV) Judge
not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
The Lord Jesus Christ is telling us that we should not judge according to
the appearance of something but we are to make our judgments right, and the
only way we can truly judge something correctly is holding it up to the
light of Scripture. Let us look at the following quotation from the Purpose
Driven Life by Rick Warren and see if judgment is necessary.
“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning.
Without meaning, life has no significance or hope. (1) In the Bible,
many different people expressed this hopelessness. Isaiah complained, “I
have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for
nothing.” Job said, “ My life drags by--day after hopeless day” and “I give
up; I am tired of living. Leave me alone. My life makes no sense.” (2)
The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose.
Hope is an essential part to your life as air and water. You need hope to
cope. (3) Dr. Bernie Siegel found he could predict which of his
cancer patients would go into remission by asking, “ Do you want to live to
be one hundred?” Those with a deep sense of life purpose answered yes and
were the ones most likely to survive. (4) Hope comes from having a
purpose.” - PDL pages 30-31
We are going to examine the four points in the text of the quotation from
the Purpose Driven Life.
1) In the first instance Warren speaks about people in the Bible expressing
hopelessness. He makes a big mistake by making this a blanket statement
instead of stating specifically who he is speaking of. Is he speaking of
unbelievers or believers? In the case of unbelievers, their plight is
hopeless. (Prov 11:7 KJV) When a wicked
man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men
perisheth. This verse teaches us that the hope of
the wicked perishes. Now what about the believers? He takes two quotes from
Scripture, one from Isaiah and one from Job. I have no idea what translation
he is using but he manipulates fifteen different translations to fit the
passage to his teaching. Now does the believer experience hopelessness? The
answer is no! A true believer may experience discouragement or even
depression, but does that equal hopelessness? No true believer is without
hope. (Psa 43:5 KJV) Why art thou cast
down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I
shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
Even when the believer is in the midst of despair, we hope in God. Isaiah
and Job both hoped in God. (Job 13:15
KJV) Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine
own ways before him. (Isa 56:1 KJV) Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment,
and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be
2) He speaks that the greatest tragedy is not death but a life without
purpose. The problem with this statement is that these neo-theologians
attempt to redefine the Scriptures. The bottom line is that even if a person
wanders aimlessly through life, they are still better off than those who die
and go to hell. Apparently Warren does not understand the reality of
everlasting destruction. (Rev 20:15 KJV)
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire.
3) He then mentions Dr. Bernie Siegel without mentioning who he is. Dr.
Siegel is a practicing New Ager which means he is not a Christian. Yet,
Warren mentions him in the arena of a hope giver while taking Isaiah and Job
and passing them off as having no hope. Bernie Siegel is also a friend of
33rd degree mason Robert Schuller who has adopted many new age teachings and
passes them off as Christian concepts. Warren has attended Schuller’s
Institute of Church Growth for many years. So basically we see Warren
believing that the New Age movement gives more hope than God. A very sad
indictment indeed on Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven agenda.
4) Warren states that hope comes from having a purpose. The Bible speaks
differently as God is the hope of the believer.
(Psa 38:15 KJV) For in thee, O LORD, do
I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God.
(Psa 39:7 KJV) And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.
(Psa 71:5 KJV) For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my
(Psa 119:49 KJV) Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast
caused me to hope.
We took four statements from the Purpose Driven Life Book and analyzed them
in light of the Scriptures. We have seen them to be very fallacious and
misleading, even to the point of bringing the believer into the camp of
Satan through the New Age. This is only two paragraphs out of a large book.
Unless we judge what we hear and read, we could fall into the snare of Satan
through his religious emissaries.
Biblical Preaching
The greatest lack in the churches today is biblical preaching. That
is the exposition of God’s Word without filtering it through the systematic
teachings of men. It is the Word of God that imparts hope to the believer
and convicts them. When psychology and other pseudo-sciences are mixed with
God’s word it becomes spiritual adultery trying to amalgamate the pure words
of God with the ideas of man. Biblical exposition is designed to sting the
people and not to appease them. If there are people in the church who do not
like Biblical preaching then let them go to a church where nothing is
preached from the pulpit with many words, there are many churches like that
available. It is like Burger King, have it your way. J. Vernon McGee stated
that he did not counsel people in his office when he was a pastor, instead
he counseled them from the pulpit 11:00 every Sunday morning. In other
words, when the Bible is preached from the pulpit, the Holy Spirit will
apply the teachings to the heart of the hearers. This will strengthen the
congregation. What weakens the congregation is when preachers water down the
preaching so it will not offend anyone AKA the big givers and the church
bosses. Preachers should not concern themselves how people are going to
receive the teachings from the Bible, that is not his concern. If the
teachings from the pulpit are Scriptural teachings, then he is being
faithful to his calling. If the libertines in the congregation don’t like
it, they can leave but true Bible preaching purifies a congregation.
Unbelievers and reprobates will not sit under true Bible preaching too long
but the true believer will welcome the teachings as they look forward to
growing in the Lord. Rick Warren has also stated that we need more than the
Bible to grow. Take a look around and you will see Christians reading every
author. How much growth and discernment do you see in Christianity because
of the departure from Scripture? I don’t see any.
Missions Oriented
One of the primary reasons for the existence of the local church is
the sending forth of the Gospel beyond the borders of the church. Missions
is a very important part of church ministry since the Lord Jesus Christ gave
us a command to go into all the world with the Gospel.
(Mark 16:15 KJV) And he said unto them, Go ye
into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
This does not mean that everyone who hears the Gospel will become saved but
we have been given the responsibility and command to send the Gospel
everywhere in the world. The type of missions which is needed is not the
social type which ties itself to the needs of this world but for strict
ministry. Now a church can take a separate offering for a mercy fund to help
individuals in the church or for those who are not members of the
congregation when they meet some kind of disaster. Funds for these needs
should not come out of the missions fund. Churches can focus on ministry in
one country or several at one time. Since many countries are closing their
borders to western missionaries, it is also very good to support indigenous
missionaries who already know the language and customs of the country they
reside in.
You may belong to an ethnic church with ties to a specific country. With the
advent of the Internet, your church can place a website on line in the
language of the country you are focusing on and this way those who are doing
the ministering in that country will be able to download studies or even the
Bible and give them to the people without having to spend time translating
the material. The internet crosses all boundaries in all countries. I
believe the Internet is the final method which God will use to fulfill the
command of bringing the Gospel to every country in the world. The Scion of
Zion website has a growing Spanish language section along with a complete
Bible, and I am of Hungarian descent. With English being the global business
language, many countries teach English to their people which means that the
thousands of Christian websites which are in written in English are
available to literally billions. Focus on ministry and stay away from causes
like save the environment or the whales. There are enough secular
organizations taking up these causes, you take up the cause of Christ. If a
church does not have an emphasis on missions, then your church has lost
their reason of existence.
Remove the Entertainment
(Lev 19:30 KJV) Ye shall keep my
sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.
One of the most lacking elements in the worship service today is reverence
in the sanctuary. The Charismatic movement has made the local sanctuary
sound like a sports event where everyone is walking, talking, and having a
jolly old time. In the majority of local churches, people will be talking in
the vestibule even after the service starts and then will walk in late and
disturb others in the service. In the Leviticus verse, which is repeated in
Leviticus 26:2, God tells the Israelites that they are to keep His sabbaths
and reverence His sanctuary. The word “reverence” in the two verses carries
with it the meaning of “be afraid or fear.” In other words, when we come
into the presence of the Lord we are to show the utmost respect before Him.
Today’s churches have lost respect for the Lord. When one walks into a
church and hears a full band with loud music singing the 7/11 praise songs
(seven words sung eleven times) and everyone swaying and doing their own
thing, we can tell instantly that we are in an irreverent church. This does
not only apply to Charismatic churches because there are many other churches
who have adapted this idea of full bands and 7/11 music. They have expunged
the godly old hymns written by true Christians and replaced it with rock
style music written by the unsaved. These full bands and repetitive lyrics
have completely annihilated any reverence left in that church. I remember
growing up in the Hungarian Reformed Church, when we went to church, we went
into the sanctuary before the service started and we sat there silently
until the organist started playing and then we knew that the service was
ready to begin. Churches have become havens for entertainment and this idea
has been propagated by those in the church growth movement who feel
entertainment will draw more than the organ and old hymns. May I make a
suggestion here also, why don’t they have a smoking section and a waitress
to bring drinks during the service? Wouldn’t that add more sinners to the
The old hymns and the organ brought a reverence to the service and also
prepared us for the message to follow. We came away from the service
spiritually refreshed and ready to enjoy the atmosphere of the rest of
Sunday. Since when do we pander to reprobate teenagers in the congregation?
They do not set the tone for the church service, the Scriptures do and if
they don’t like it, they can leave along with the appeasing pastors and
elders who are the responsible ones for wrecking the churches. Rock bands
and 7/11 songs remove the learning atmosphere from the church because the
Pastor will now tailor his sermons according to the mood set by the rock
bands which is rock concert mode. After all, it would be hard to tell the
old, old story in a football game setting.
Correct Translations
This is one subject I will continue to speak on until the Lord’s
return. With the introduction of these false versions into the church, on
the heels of them came the rock music and the 7/11 songs. These versions are
sin and God does not bless sin! Period! Many pastors and church leaders have
spiritually raped their churches by removing the King James Bible and
placing these false, Gnostic versions in their places. The Message by Eugene
Peterson is one such version which is copiously used by Rick Warren. I want
to show you something very serious in this version. It is from Matthew 6 and
we call it, “The Lord’s Prayer.”
This is the Lord’s Prayer in the King James Bible:
(Mat 6:9-13 KJV) {9}After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father
which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
{10} Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
{11} Give us this day our daily bread.
{12} And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
{13} And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is
the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
This is the Lord’s Prayer in The Message:
{9} With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like
Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are.
{10} Set the world right; Do what's best-- as above, so below.
{11} Keep us alive with three square meals.
{12} Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
{13} Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do
anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.
Look at the following clause in verse 10 in The Message:
“As above, so below”
From Robert S. Miller and the editors of New Age Journal, As Above, So
Below: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life (Los Angeles: Jeremy P
Tarcher, Inc. 1992), P. XI
…”As above, so below; as below, so above.” This maxim implies that the
transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God within
ourselves are one.”
The phrase “As above, so below” found in Peterson’s The Message is a direct
quote from New Age beliefs. It is called a “oneness” belief where the New
Age teaches that the God above is the same one that dwells in every human
being. We are one with the God in heaven and He is one with us. Remember
some years ago when Shirley MacLaine proclaimed that she was God? That is
the outgrowth of the oneness belief.
- This is a very evil teaching yet Eugene Peterson
includes this New Age teaching in his version and Rick Warren uses this
version in his Purpose Driven Life agenda. It is interesting to note that J.
I. Packer and Warren Wiersbe both endorsed The Message. It is also no
coincidence that the above quote from the New Age Journal came in 1992 and
Eugene Peterson’s The Message debuted in 1993. There is no such thing as
coincidence in the area of satanic deception in the church. Satan has been
successful in weakening the church through the removal of God’s Word in the
King James Bible and replacing it with counterfeit versions. The church has
adopted these false versions and it is in the most weakened state it has
ever been in. This New Age quotation from The Message is only one example
from one version. The tampering is unbelievable but what is more
unbelievable is the fact that Christians and churches have accepted these
false versions without the least bit of real investigation is a serious
indictment on the modern Christian and church. For more on this subject go
www.scionofzion.com/translations.htm or
Defending the Faith
Too many churches are living in fear of losing their tax exempt
status. If they still have it, then they are probably teaching a watered
down gospel to keep it. Tax exemption and incorporation is the government’s
way to control the true church. The church already has freedom to preach
given them in the First Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, (1)
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; (2) or abridging the
freedom of speech, (3) or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
There are three principles of freedom granted to the organized church.
1) The IRS and the government cannot stop any church from practicing their
2) The IRS and the government cannot abridge (deprive or diminish) any
Christian from freely speaking about anything. Hate Laws are
3) The IRS and the government cannot stop the propagation of ideas by the
printed medium. This does not refer exclusively to the newspapers.
The true Christian faith must be defended against the false religions. The
faithful martyrs did not concern themselves about their worldly possessions
or positions. They were sold out to the truth of Christianity and it cost
them their lives and families. We keep hearing from phony preachers that we
need to understand and accept people of other faiths. Here is all you need
to understand, anything outside of Christianity is a lie. (John 14:6 KJV)
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me. Does Islam come through the Lord Jesus Christ?
No! Does Judaism come through the Lord Jesus Christ? No! Does Roman
Catholicism come through the Lord Jesus Christ? No! Does New Age come
through the Lord Jesus Christ? No! Does any false religion come through the
Lord Jesus Christ? No! What else is there to understand except that these
people are unsaved and are mission fields, not brethren. Just because a few
bought and paid for 33rd degree masons passing themselves off as Christians
tell us that other religions are pathways to God too, we need to realize
that they are Satan’s emissaries and it does not matter how famous they are,
they are reprobates and lost and must not be supported.
The Christian faith must be defended as the only true faith. In John 14: 6
above, we read that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.” These are
definite articles which means He is not “a way, a truth, or a life.” This
means that outside of Christianity all you have is reprobate religion. Who
cares how religious some people dress, it means nothing. Christianity is
God’s truth on earth and Christians act like we need to apologize for that.
What we need to do is preach it without apology and stop worrying about what
other religions say. All we have to do is preach God’s Word and He will take
care of the results. (Isa 55:11 KJV) So
shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it.
The principles which I have offered in this monograph will help you
grow your church biblically and will help strengthen it spiritually. Whether
it will help grow your church in numbers is up to God. He will send whoever
He chooses to your church. If you have 9 or 90 people in your church, you
minister to them and stop worrying about growing in number, you concern
yourself with growing them spiritually because that is the calling of church
leaders. Don’t follow the unbelievers like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, or
Robert Schuller in trying to grow your church in number by using satanic
methods as we have seen. I think it is interesting that crystals play a big
part in New Age teaching and 33rd degree mason Robert Schuller calls his
church building “The Crystal Cathedral” and he embraces New Age teachings.
Think about it!
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